Booking of Summer dance venue on Pier 2

Here you can book the Summer dance venue on Pier 2. Each booking requires

  1. Selection of date
  2. Selection of size of time slot (1, 2 or 3 hours)
  3. Selection of time slot
  4. Info on event
    1. First Name + Last Name –  Use name of association / Dance organizer
    2. E-mail – Contact person
    3. Phone – Contact person
    4. Description of event – Danish or English
      1. Dance style?
      2. Public event / Practice?
      3. Will there be a class/workshop – which level?
      4. Social dance?
      5. Free or payed event?
      6. For inspiration look at the current program

Rules for using the venue: 

  • Everyone can book the venue within the period from 16 th of June to 25’th of August
  • All week days the opening hours are 10-22. Beware of opening hours of Domen to be able to use toilets & access to Cafe. Sunday to Thursday from 10-20 & Friday & Saturday from 10-22.
  • If music is used in the event music fee to Koda has to be payed – read more
  • If you are a member of the DanseUmbrella Aarhus you can borrow 2 Soundbokses for your event, plus if your event is free the music fee to Koda is taking care of. The membership of the DanceUmbrella Aarhus is 100 kr/year.
  • If your event is public it is a good idea to share it in the Facebook group “Sommerdans i Aarhus

Now you are ready to start your booking. If you have any questions write to
