Felix Everblue "A Perfect Time for Thunder" releaseconcert + support: Wailing Dunes

thu23may19:00thu23:00Felix Everblue "A Perfect Time for Thunder" releaseconcert + support: Wailing Dunes19:00 - 23:00(GMT+02:00) Event Organized ByCasaV58CasaV58

Event Details

Felix Everblue “A Perfect Time for Thunder” releaseconcert + support: Wailing Dunes.

I en tid, hvor covid isolerede verden, besluttede Felix Everblue at skrive, producere og indspille deres første fuld længde album. Vi samlede os for at definere og udforske vores fremtidige lyd, og hvad vores indflydelse på musikscenen og hvad rock’n’roll skal være. Vi har skrevet, produceret og indspillet albummet i vores DIY studio gennem en hård, men inspirerende proces, og dette album udtrykker vores passion og hengivenhed til rockgenren, som vi alle er opvokset med.

Døre åbner kl. 19.00
Koncertstart kl. 20.00
Entré 60,- kr. i døren.

Felix Everblue er defineret af et simpelt statement – Rock’n’roll er tilbage! Gennem en retrospektiv analog tilgang har Felix Everblue udviklet en rå og moderne lyd med en nyudviklet rock’n’roll-attitude. Individuelle kvaliteter og inspirationer forenes i en orkestral synergi for den smukke, tunge og energiske rocklyd. Variationen af emotionelle rockballader og mere aggressive rock’n’roll-sange giver dig præcis, hvad du har brug for, og minder dig om de dage, hvor rock dominerede æteren.

Wailing Dunes er en teatralsk Folknoir konstellation. Sejer F. Villadsen forfatter teksterne, og sammen med sit skarpt skåret orkester, sænker de lytteren ned i det okkulte, det mystiske og det dunkle, alt sammen indenfor rammen af et præcist rock arrangement. I brydningen mellem det energiske og eftertænksomme, kulmineres det hele i et indtagende liveshow, der må og skal oplevelse.


Felix Everblue “A Perfect Time for Thunder” releaseconcert + support: Wailing Dunes.

In a time when covid isolated the world, Felix Everblue decided to write, produce and record their first full length album. Getting together to define and explore the future sound of Felix Everblue and what our impact on the music scene and what rock’n’roll should be. We wrote and recorded the whole album ourselves through a hard, but inspirational process, and it shows our passion and devotion to the rock genre and the way music was made back in the day.

Doors open at 7 p.m
Concert start at 8 p.m
Entrance DKK 60 at the door.

Felix Everblue is defined by a simple statement – Rock’n’roll is back! Through a retrospective analogue approach, Felix Everblue has developed a raw and modern sound with a newly developed rock’n’roll attitude. Individual qualities and inspirations blend together in an orchestral synergy for the beautiful, heavy and energetic rock sound. The variation of smooth rock ballads and more aggressive rock’n’roll songs gives you exactly what you need, and reminds you of the days when rock dominated the airwaves.

Wailing Dunes is a Folk Noir constellation dealing out theatrical storytelling. It is the solo musical project of lead singer: Sejer F. Villadsen. Alongside his band they pursue the occult and the mysterious. Sprinkled with the sounds of the abject and obscure, they weave the timbres and textures of rock music into arrangements of similar attitudes. The combination of thoughtfully written out plots of eternities and hubris, and an intense and energetic live performance, makes Wailing Dunes an experience that is best served in the flesh!



23/05/2024 19:00 - 23:00(GMT+01:00)



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