Open Practice Wednesday
Event Details
Welcome to Open Practice Wednesdays. The open practice is an offer for more advanced dancers, who want to inspire each other in our dance. Concept: – Participation is free
Event Details
Welcome to Open Practice Wednesdays. The open practice is an offer for more advanced dancers, who want to inspire each other in our dance.
– Participation is free
– No official lessons – but everyone is expected to bring a technique or pattern that they want to work on with others. This could be e.g. a YouTube video, a video from a private lesson or something cool you saw on the dance floor
– All participants are welcome to try and teach the others
Requirements for participation:
– You MUST be able to move freely to the music without counting patterns
– You feel that the Thursday lessons are easy
– You accept that the open practice requires responsibility for your own progress/learning as there will be no official teachers
Please note that the spring term is a trial period for open practice and we may change the concept as we see fit.
Velkommen til Open Practice Onsdag. Dette er et tilbud til mere avancerede dansere, som ønsker at inspirere hinanden og nørde dansen sammen.
– Deltagelse er gratis
– Ingen officiel undervisning – men alle forventes at medbringe en teknik eller et mønster, som de ønsker at øve sig på med andre. Det kan fx være fra en YouTube video, fra en privat lektion eller noget fedt du har set på dansegulvet
– Alle deltagere er velkomne til at undervise de andre
Krav for deltagelse:
– Du SKAL være i stand til at bevæge dig frit til musikken uden at tælle
– Du synes torsdagsundervisningen er nem
– Du accepterer, at open practice er ansvar for egen læring, og at der ikke er officiel undervisning
Bemærk at forårssæsonen er en prøveperiode for Open Practice, og vi forbeholder os retten til at ændre/tilpasse undervejs.
08/01/2025 18:00 - 19:45(GMT+01:00)